living Hope youth

here’s what makes us, us!

One of the things our youth enjoy most is learning more from His word. Olin Richey Jr. leads our young people in a closer walk with God and helps bring His word in ways that are effective and communicative to our youth.

We believe strongly in including our youth in our every week church service. Once a month our youth group is tasked with the mission of bringing worship to the entire congregation. Every week they are included in the service and have a chance to serve; from serving communion all the way to greeting people at the door as they come in providing them with a warm smile.

And yes, of course, another thing we pride ourselves on is the fun we have! Every week we play a fun and exciting game before our lesson and worship. We always enjoy being able to express our energy and have fun with each other

Catch us at 6:30-8 every Tuesday night!